Whose carbon is it anyway?

Christmas is a period of shopping excess referred to by the retail sector as the “golden quarter”. China’s industry moves into overdrive to ensure shelves are stocked here in the UK. The reduction in climate change gases that we have achieved in the UK are partly through our choice to “off shore” our pollution by purchasing  products made in the Far East. Given that we only have one planet and climate change knows no borders, “off-shoring” our pollution helps no one. The real present that we can give our friends and families this Christmas is not to buy something that digs humanity’s grave just a little bit deeper. Consider a gift of planting or dedicating a tree.  www.shop.woodlandtrust.org.uk/trees


Photo caption Seth Brettell selling his low carbon wares at the Community Café: These will be available at the next  Café on 1st Dec.

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