Application 1: (2018/1) Electric Heaters – Private dwelling (Requested £750 / Granted £750)
The committee considered this application with interest and noted that the electric heaters were requested by a senior member of the community wishing to move away from coal to electricity. Whilst SACC support moving away from coal there is clearly an opportunity to further decarbonise by obtaining the electricity from a supplier offering renewable electricity. Obtaining electricity from renewable sources is now very competitive with conventionally sourced electricity, but the committee was willing to offer an additional grant to cover any increase in cost associated with a change of electricity supplier over the next year. It was also noted that the house may benefit from improved insulation and a visit should be requested by members of the committee to offer thoughts on any means of ensuring the house is warm and minimise bills.
Application 2: 2018/2 Refurbishment of village hall toilets – Village Hall Committee (Requested £4,000 / Granted £TBD)
This application was reviewed with great interest. Clearly the refurbishment project is only just getting underway and so a specific request was not possible at the time of application. Nevertheless SACC are keen to support this work and ensure that the opportunity is taken to reduce heat loss from the Village Hall. SACC will work with the Village Hall Committee over the coming months to identify what improvements can be made. No grant value was specified at this time.
Application 3: 2018/3 Retrospective improvements – Private dwelling (Requested NA / Granted £500)
This application was from a family new to the village. The application included an extensive list of improvements to reduce the energy consumption of their house. The application did not specify a specific grant value but requested a modest contribution to the work undertaken to date. The committee agreed that whilst the application is retrospective it was important to send a positive message and to encourage a continued path of decarbonisation.
Application 4: (2018/4) Loft Insulation – Private dwelling (Requested £877.68 / Granted £877.68)
This application was for the materials to allow the applicant to insulate their loft space using Thermafleece CosyWool sheeps wool insulation with a thickness of 280mm, which is the current recommended thickness. The committee were please to grant this application in full as the amount of heat loss over an extended period will be very significant, reducing both energy bills and the carbon footprint. The committee welcomed further applications to reduce energy consumption next year.
Application 5: 2018/5 Motion Sensitive Lighting for Store Cupboard at Snitterfield School – Snitterfield Primary School Eco Group (Requested £200 / Granted £0)
After much deliberation the committee concluded that although this project does reduce the carbon footprint of the village and may have an educational benefit the school was gifted its own solar panels 6 years ago by SACC which should have yielded over £3,000 to date to fund its own projects. On this basis it was therefore agreed not to grant this application.
Application 6: 2018/6 Motion Sensitive Lighting for the Phone Box – Snitterfield Phone box Rejuvenation Group (Requested £60 / granted £TBD)
Once again an application for solar lighting on the phone box was made. It is established that SACC support the idea and appreciate that the project is not easy to implement due to the issues associated with vandalism. It was agreed that a member of the committee would meet with members of the phone box committee to see if a solution can be identified.
Application 7: (2018/7) Loft Insulation – Private dwelling (Requested £800 / Granted £800)
This application was for the materials to allow the applicant to install Thermafleece CosyWool sheeps wool loft insulation with a thickness of 280mm, which is the current recommended thickness. The committee were please to grant this application in full as the amount of heat loss over an extended period will be very significant, reducing energy bill and carbon footprint. The committee welcomed further applications to reduce energy consumption next year.
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