Chairs report
The chair reflected on the work and events undertaken during the year including the very well attended curry and film evening where Naomi Klein’s ‘This Changes Everything” was screened. The film was thought provoking and moving.
SACC also laid on a coach to take people to the ‘Peoples Climate March’ in London where a rally was held to bring pressure on all governments to agree emission cuts to green-house gases at the upcoming UN Climate Conference in Paris. The conference has been heralded as a great success setting a target of maximum average global temperature of not more than 2.5°C of pre-industrialised temperatures.
It was also noted that the Community Café, which was started earlier this year, is now becoming well utilised by members of the community with many and varied stalls.
Grant applications to the SACC community grant fund
Last year a total of £5,109.32 was granted, but only £3803.71 claimed.
This meant £1,305.61 passed to this year giving a total fund value of £6,484.94 of which £2,060.16 is ring-fenced for the Village Hall.
This year SACC have received 7 grant applications totalling £5703.68
Application 1: Forest of Hearts – 96 Trees and stakes (Requested £960 / Granted £960)
The Committee considered this an interesting application which it was keen to support. The application is well aligned with SACC’s constitution and on this basis the application was granted in full.
It was noted that the project is based outside of the village centre and as such may encourage car usage. Facilities should be added to provide cycle parking. There was also some discussion about the addition of more fruit trees when Snitterfield has many fruit trees that go un-harvested. SACC would be interested in assisting with the project and would like to help raise local awareness via the Community Cafe.
Application 2: Village notice board on land opposite St James church (Requested £1432 / Granted £0)
The Committee considered the application at length and with great interest. Ultimately, we could not identify a means by which this application met with the terms of SACC’s constitution to reduce the Carbon Footprint of the village. There was uncertainty and significant debate as to whether the (part recycled polystyrene) plastic notice board represented a more sustainable solution to that of a wooden board highlighting the complexity and finely balanced nature of the argument. Therefore this application was not granted.
Application 3: Village Hall Committee – Motion sensitive Toilet Lighting (Requested £475 / Granted £475)
This application will reduce the village hall energy consumption and will be applicable when the toilets are converted to a store room.
Application 4: Ragtag toddlers – Battery and fast charger (Requested £60.33 / Granted £60.33)
The Committee, having considered the application, agreed to grant in full the application which moves away from disposable to rechargeable batteries.
Application 5: Private dwelling – Domestic Secondary glazing (Requested £412.00 / Granted £227.36)
The Committee considered the application with great interest. SACC strongly support all measures in the community to improve insulation and on this basis £227.36, the cost for two of the Perspex secondary glazing panels, was granted.
Application 6: Sports Club – Solar Panel For New Club House (Requested £2250.00 / Granted £0)
The Committee, having considered the application at length, considered to be unlikely that there would be sufficiently fast progress on the new Club House that the money would be spent in this grant-year. SACC recognise that money should be set aside to support this village project and remain committed to supporting the Sports Club in building a low energy consuming building that will not burden future generations of the club with crippling energy bills as the current club does.
Application 7: Sports Club – Compostable Cups (Requested £114.35 / Granted £114.35)
The Committee, having considered the application, agreed to continue to support the Sports Club initiative to move away from plastic, use once cups to compostable cups and on this basis the application was granted in full.
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